Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Why The Law Of Attraction works for everyone but You!

Have you ever felt that The Law Of Attraction works for just about everyone except you? If you've ever read the glowing testimonials for many of the Law Of Attraction products on the market or heard the 'success stories' floating around you may feel as if The Law Of Attraction is working for everyone but you. But Universal Laws have no favorites .....they just are. If it's seemed as if The Law Of Attraction isn't working for you perhaps this article can shed some light on the matter.

Why The Law Of Attraction works for everyone but You!

I'll have to admit that this used to be a favorite belief of mine..."The Law of Attraction works for all my friends, all my client's but it won't work for me." Poor me, I think about what I want and I see that other people are getting what I want so they are doing something "right" and I am either not doing something right or I'm not smart enough or worthy enough. What a "lovely" place to be in. But contrary to popular thought, living with this belief has some apparent benefits.

1.I can feel sorry for myself, like I am somehow special because I am such a victim.
2.I don't have to have the discipline to move my thoughts towards what will make me feel good. Instead I can just wallow around in my "pitiful" thoughts.
3.I don't have to take action towards my dreams.
4.I don't have to take responsibility for my life.
5.I don't have to grow or take risks.

I can just whine! The problem with focusing on how everyone else gets what they want and I don't is that by focusing on it I am making it come true. Soon I begin to feel even worse and it gets old playing the victim! It doesn't feel good to play that "Poor Me" song very long. Not to mention it doesn't work if you want a fabulous life.

So how do you change your belief from "nothing good happens to me and life is working for everyone else but me" to a belief that supports you for instance, "Wonderful things are always happening in my life." You look around and see lot's of incidents, both now and in the past, that support your old belief. So it has to be true. Right? Well, no! The problem is you created your experiences by choosing what you focus on so it HAS been true in your past. Someone else did get the promotion you wanted. Someone else does have the career you dreamed of or a relationship like the one you desire. But guess what? The joy is that you create your reality. You can have what you want as well! All you need to do is shift your focus.

Envying what others have is one way your higher self is getting your attention. It may not feel the best but feeling envy is a clue that this is something you want. Instead of labeling that feeling as envy relabel it as desire. Then you can look at that person who has something you desire and say "Thank you! Thank you for showing me what I want and I know there is enough for both of us." In fact you can take this a step further and send out blessings every time you see someone with something you desire. For example when you see someone who is extremely successful in a career you dream of, thank them! Write them an email and thank them for their success as it encourages you to be successful too. When you see someone driving a car you desire send blessings to them. By doing this you acknowledge that there is enough for everyone! This Universe is full of abundance.

Begin looking for ways that you are being blessed right now. Look around and see how the Law of Attraction IS working for you. The way I see this work most easily in my life is by finding parking spaces. I started this a couple of years ago and it works! I just think about finding a parking space near the door knowing the right one will show up and it is amazing how often it does! Sometimes I drive up and see cars pulling out left and right until I have several spots to choose from. It's fun! This is only one example of how you can change your focus and begin focusing on how the Law of Attraction IS working for you.

Remember the Law of Attraction is a physical law like gravity. It works for everyone equally. Unfortunately, many of us use it in a way that makes us get what we DON'T want instead of what we do want. When we focus on what we don't have and feel terrible, sure enough we get more lack. Start today by focusing on what you desire, sending out blessings to those who have what you want knowing that there is plenty for you as well. And don't forget those parking spaces. I'll see you near the front door!

Leanna Fredrich is a Success Coach who helps people use the Law of Attraction to live a life of ease and joy, creating the fabulous life they dream of. Are you ready to learn more about putting The Law of Attraction into ACTION ? Take the FREE eclass at http://www.liveyourfabulouslifenow.com

Leanna Fredrich is a Success Coach who helps people use the Law of Attraction to live a life of ease and joy, creating the fabulous life they dream of. Are you ready to learn more about putting The Law of Attraction into ACTION ? Take the FREE eclass at http://www.liveyourfabulouslifenow.com

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Keep Believing in That Old Law of Attraction.

This article inspired me to keep going during some pretty rough times and to believe in myself when nobody else did. Read it....maybe it will do the same for you.

Keep Believing in That Old Law of Attraction.

When the evidence all around you screams that your one desire in life is impossible, sometimes its difficult to keep the faith in the universal laws of attraction.

But if you do, we promise you that your faith will not be misplaced. The Number One mistake people make when utilizing the universal law of attraction is giving in to external reality -- the circumstances around them -- that shout that what you're aiming for is impossible.

All too often, individuals see the conditions in their environment and automatically give up on the law. They allow themselves to become frustrated. Little do they realize that the universal laws of attraction are still at work -- even when they do become frustrated. Their frustration, you see, only attracts even more frustration.

This frustration and pessimism stems from a basic lack of faith in the law of attraction. It is understandable, of course, if you've never had the pleasure of putting the law to work for you. Society has conditioned us to think that the only way we can possibly believe something is to see it first.

The law of attraction, though, actually works backwards from what we would consider normal. You won't see your desires or goals until you firmly believe they will become a reality. In essence, you will see it when you believe it.

If you keep the faith, though, and keep believing that the laws of attraction are at work for you, then you should experience two exciting outcomes.

First; because your belief in the law never wavers, your desires will materialize sooner than you anticipated. And second, your staunch faith in the law of attraction allows you to confidently ignore the external evidence, no matter how loudly it might be screaming around you.

The universal laws of attraction are not only the amazing link to all of your dreams and desires, but these amazing laws can give you the confidence to ignore all the naysayers surrounding you.

Keeping the faith is, in the long run, a simply marvelous habit. When you believe in the universal laws of attraction, you will find that if you truly have faith in your dreams -- if these are the things you sincerely want to manifest in your life -- and you march confidently in their direction, the law of attraction will gladly conspire with you to make them materialize.

While the law may not use an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

When you make a list of your desires, you're basically telling the law of attraction that you're serious about success. But that's only half the battle in the game.

As you read over the list that you've expressly created, you need to bless it and allow it to be lifted up to the universe. Release your dreams and desires. Send them off so the universal laws of attraction may take them and mold them as opportunities to present themselves to you.

Even though they may be your very personal and very important goals, keep in mind that you're passing them on to the infinite wisdom of the universe. You're basically telling the universal law of attraction to do what needs to be done with these goals.
Don't worry. Don't fret. Don't fear. Because once you release your most precious dreams to the universe, the entire infinite potential and wisdom of all creation is working toward manifesting them just for you through the law of attraction. That's right! The entire might of the world, nay, the entire universe is planning the best and quickest route to get these goals realized.

This means the universal law of attraction will have you bumping into people seemingly at random. But it wont be. You will find telephone numbers you need to further your cause with greater ease. But that wont be an accident either. You will notice that you are getting to where you want to be, if you just take the cues.

Once you realize your goals, don't be blind to coincidences. Once you realize your desires, take careful notice of who you meet and how willing they are to help you.

Indeed, the universal laws of attraction are the most powerful positive force you can have in your life. Use them wisely.

For more information on the Law of Attraction and 100 FREE wealth creation e-books visit Paul Warren's websites http://the-wisdom-of-wealth.com and http://www.mymillionairebuddy.com Also find other articles by Paul Warren at http://originalreviews.com and health-information-articles.com

What Is The REAL Secret in The Science Of Getting Rich and The Secret?

By now, millions of people have come across The Secret movie, Law of Attraction and book, The Science of Growing Rich by Wallace D Wattles and have tried applying the principles to attract wealth and abundance in their lives. They are inspired by the principles, they believed wholeheartedly in it and they started to do things "in a certain way". They direct their thoughts on things they want rather than on things they don’t want.

Yet many people are disappointed and frustrated that the Law of Attraction is not working to better their lives. So, what is the secret in the Science of Getting Rich?

I believe most people missed some important points in the process of attracting abundance. Let me share some tips on doing things "in a certain way". You start by focusing your thoughts on things you want, but many people find it difficult to hold on to the image on what they want. The image you create in your mind should be as clear and as detailed as possible. If it is something material, it should feel it in your hands, or you can see its color or feel its texture. What most people find difficulty is in creating mental image of non-material things such as health, relationships, etc.

To get a better grip on non-material image, you can add non-visual aural and olfactory "images" such as smell of perfume on the person you want to meet or meeting that person in a place with a certain music in the background. On the subject of music, you can use the Attraction Accelerator and Attraction Activator. These are MP3 tracks, which you can listen to from a MP3 player, that will help you focus on your images and accelerate the Law of Attraction in your life. Have faith and be patient. Do not be discouraged if your thoughts have not yet turned into reality. Your vision and faith will set the creative force in motion to bring it towards you.

Another important point is you must not rely on thoughts alone. You have to pay attention personal action as well. One of the most important aspects in personal action in attracting abundance in your life is gratitude. Wallace D Wattle devoted an entire chapter in the book on gratitude to stress its importance in personal action. He explained that there is a Law of Gratitude and it is absolutely necessary that you should observe the law if you are to get the results you seek.

One has to take the whole process of mental adjustment and personal action in a harmonious way. The reason is simply when you have a mental attitude of gratitude, it will draw the mind in closer touch with the source of your blessings. The more gratefully we focus our minds on the source when good things come to us, the more good things we will receive, and the more quickly they will come.

Without gratitude, you cannot keep feelings of dissatisfaction from your thoughts. And once you allow your mind to dwell with dissatisfaction, you will lose your image and your focus will fall on things you don’t want. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and to give thanks continuously.

Bonus : Still clueless? Are you still not attracting the abundance you desire in your life? You might want to find out more about "The Science of Getting Rich" from "The Secret" teacher, Bob Proctor. He shares his insights in an enlightening report which you can download for FREE right now at : http://www.abundanceattracting.com

Law Of Attraction Articles Galore

If you are interested in The Law Of Attraction and related subjects then you've come to the right place.

In this blog I'm going to share with you some of the most amazing and transformational articles on The Law Of Attraction that I've come across....written by experts on The Law Of Attraction.

Several New article will be added each week so please subscribe to the RSS feed to stay updated.