Friday, May 22, 2009

Law Of Compensation

The Law Of Compensation is the sixth law in the 11 Forgotten Laws Program. It is a very powerful law that in essence teaches us that what we sow we will reap. And that if we want to improve our station in life, we must first improve ourselves.

Have you ever met people who are convinced that the world owes them a living and who are determined to collect what is 'owed' to them in the easiest way possible. These are the people who feel that the government (or their parents or spouse or someone else) should provide them with everything the need to lead a comfortable life.

Their sentences are peppered with phrases such as "The Government should.....", "Life is so unfair.....", "How come he got the promotion and I didn't? He's just lucky I guess."

Are you one of these people? The harsh truth is that the world owes you nothing. What you have in your life right now is the result of your past actions. The harvest you are reaping now is the result of your past actions.

Are you satisfied with the harvest that you are reaping? Or would you like to have reaped a more plentiful and abundant harvest?

Through the correct use of The Law Of Compensation you can finally reap the abundant harvest that you have yearned for, for such a long time.

In order to attract success and prosperity, you need to eliminate the habits that are holding you back.

Raymond Holiwell, in his excellent book "Working With The Law" says "If you want prosperity and success but do not strive to change in any way, how do you expect things to be different?"

Sadly, millions of people live mediocre, unsatisfying lives and then die never having known anything different from what was handed down to them. They simply repeated the failure or poverty patterns that were instilled in them as children.

So many people violate The Law Of Compensation without even realizing it. Have you heard someone say "When they pay me more then I'll do more work"? But The Law Of Compensation doesn't work that way.

The words of Raymond Holiwell explain this concept perfectly "When you perform your tasks to the very best of your ability, or when you are thorough in your work and do it well, you infallibly bring out the best there is in you.....You become better......And the Law is that he who becomes better will attract the better and be given greater things to do. The principle involved is that when you become too large for your present place you will begin to draw to yourself something larger; you cannot attract the better until you yourself become larger."

If you think that others are to blame for your failure, then you are mistaken. The fault doesn't lie with others but in your own faulty thinking patterns. You need to alter your thinking patterns to be in harmony with the laws that govern the Universe.It is only then that you will gain lasting success.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Law Of Receiving - The One Law You Must Know About If You Want Prosperity & Abundance.

The Law Of Receiving.

The Law Of Receiving is fourth of the 11 Forgotten Laws. The 11 Forgotten Laws are 11 Universal Laws that need to be integrated into our lives in order to succeed. The Law Of Attraction is one of these Universal Laws.

The Law Of Receiving is actually composed of 2 parts - Giving Freely & Being open to receiving the blessings that will come your way through unselfish giving.

The Law Of Receiving states that in order to receive we must be willing to give. This applies to every area of our lives, not just money.

Most people work with The Law Of Receiving in reverse. They say "After I get, then I will give." But The Law Of Receiving doesn't work that way. We need to give first, and then we will start to receive.

But we need to give in a specific manner in order for us to get the best returns. When we give away our time, effort and money to help others, we must ensure that we give to deserving candidates. Only help those who are prepared to help themselves, not to parasites or loafers.

Giving also needs to be done in an organized manner, rather than haphazardly or sporadically. For example, you may give away 10% of your monthly income to the charity of your choice. The important thing is not the percentage, but that the you give regularly and systematically.

Another area of our lives where we can apply The Law Of Receiving is in our business lives. We need to focus on giving our clients and customers something of value in the services and products that we provide. If we keep the question "How can I provide the best value to my customers/clients/members of my list?" then money will take care of itself.

Once you give, then you need to be prepare yourself to receive. This shows your faith, strengthens your expectation and removes doubt and fear. The first area of our lives that we need to let go of is with our goals and dreams. Have you ever heard the expression "Let go & let God?" This means that you have to do what you can to work toward your goal or dream and then completely release any anxiety about the outcome. Let God take over and give you the favorable outcome that you want. Just as you relax and trust that the food will soon arrive once you have placed an order at a restaurant, relax and trust God to help you to achieve your heartfelt desires.

Prepare yourself to receive by making yourself receptive. You can show your active faith by preparing yourself to receive your goal. Let's say, for example, you want a particular house. You've done what you can to get it, but the outcome is still uncertain. Start preparing to receive it by starting to pack up your belongings to move or buying certain items for the new home. These steps will help to renew your faith and trust that what you want will surely arrive.

If you would like to know more about the 11 Universal Laws (of which The Law Of Receiving is one), then click here.

Do You Know About The 2 Phases Of The Law Of Attraction

The Law Of Attraction has 2 important phases or parts. The first is DESIRE and the second is EXPECTATION.

When you really want something you become invisibly connected with the good that you desire. If you change your mind or it becomes less important to you, this invisible connection is severed and you don't end up getting what you want.

If, on the other hand, you continue to hold on to your desire then it will eventually come to you.

The underlying premise of The Law Of Attraction is that you cannot desire something unless it already exists (on another vibrational plane) It's your desire that changes into a physical form.

Now I know that this may be a little hard to grasp at first, but just bear with me as I explain. Things will get clearer, I promise.

The first part of successfully manifesting your heart's desire is DESIRE (A wanting or longing for something). The second part is EXPECTATION.

Raymond Holiwell in his book Working With The Law (This is the book on which the highly acclaimed best-selling 11 Forgotten Laws Program is based) says "It's no use to desire a thing unless you expect to get it, either in part or in full. Desire without expectation is idle wishing or dreaming."

Desire connects you to the object of your desire, and expectation draws it to you and makes it a reality.

Both desire and expectation need to be working together in harmony for your goals to materialize.

I'm sure that you know of people who desire good things, but never really expect to get them. And because they don't expect it, they never make the effort to realize those dreams. These people are idle wishers and dreamers.

Then there are those who are always expecting things that they don't want. They expect things to do wrong and they usually do.

Raymond Holiwell goes on to say "Never expect something you do not want, you attract the undesirable, and when you desire a thing that is not expected, you simply dissipate valuable mental force. On the other hand, when you constantly expect that which you persistently desire, your ability to attract becomes irresistible. Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life."

Have you been utilizing both desire and expectation to maniest your goals and dreams? Or has one element been missing? Start implementing both these phases of The Law Of Attraction and you will be amazed at the transformation that will take place in your life.

Click the links to learn more about The Book "Working With The Law" & "The 11 Forgotten Laws"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Man Who Was Afraid He Might Lose His Job - A Law Of Attraction Success Story

The Man Who Was Worried He Might Loose His Job - A Law Of Attraction Success Story

This story was told by Raymond Holiwell in his book, Working With The Law. (This is the book on which the hugely popular and successful 11 Forgotten Laws Program is based)

Mr. Holiwell says that one day late in the fall a man came to him and told him that he was afraid of losing his job. (Doesn't that sound familiar?) The man had worked at a hotel for many years and for the first time business was very slow. 

In fact, business was so bad that rumours were circulating that the hotel was going to be closed down until spring, and all the employees would be without jobs until they re-opened. The man asked Holiwell for advice. Holiwell told him to "Go back to work ...If The Law (God) determines your supply and position, then no one but The Law (God) can change it for you." Mr. Holiwell went on to tell the man that if he was laid off but kept his faith, then another opportunity would open up. He told the man to get ready for a prosperous year ahead.

The man did as he was told. The rumors became reality, but while many of the other staff were let go, this man was retained. And because of his faith and enthusiasm, he was given more work and an increase in pay.

So what can we learn from this story?
1. God is the source of eveything. And that source has an unlimited supply of everything you need and everything you could ever need. Scarcity exists in only one place -YOUR MIND

2. We attract what we think about and expect (The Law Of Thinking and The Law Of Attraction) If the man had entertained his thoughts of fear and lack, he would have been laid off like all the rest.

The 11 Forgotten Universal Laws are either working for you or against you, but they are operating all the time. Just like The Law Of Gravity, they cannot be changed. If you want to live a happy and prosperous life, then you need to live in harmony with these laws.

The Law Of Supply - The Second Of The 11 Forgotten Laws - Why You Must Know About This Law If You Want To Succeed

What is The Law Of Supply and why is it so important to your ultimate success? The underlying premise of The Law Of Supply is that God (or The Universe, if that's what you prefer) is the source of all supply. And because God is the source of all supply, there is no shortage in the Universe. There is a never ending supply for all our needs.

The Law Of Supply also goes on to state that when there is a demand for something, the resources needed to create it are available.

There has to be a demand first before we can be aware of the supply. For example, the raw materials to create a motor vehicle has been present in the earth since the dawn of mankind. But it was only once man 's mind broadened to imagine this sort of transport could a demand for it be created. And once the demand was there, man became aware of the raw materials (supply) needed to build the car.

In Raymond Holiwell's book, Working With The Law (The highly acclaimed 11 Forgotten Laws Program is based on this book) he tells the story of a dairy farmer who owned and operated a small dairy farm outside of Pittsburgh. The poor farmer worked hard to eek out a living from what appeared to be barren land.

One day he noticed several men who had been examining the adjacent land walk across his fields. With budding curiosity, he watched them studying the scum and slime in the stream that ran across his farm. He was baffled as to why they would be interested in this.

A few weeks later a man called him and offered him a fabulous price for the farm. He jumped at the opportunity and sold the farm. He moved to Canada and bought another farm.

A few weeks later some strange contraptions were set up on the farm. Word spread that the new owners had struck oil.

Meanwhile, the farmer continued to work struggle and work hard and he eventually died poor.

Raymond Holiwell uses this story to illustrate the point that God supplies us with all that we need. But because we don't know how to tap into this we remain poor. He says "Man will ever be poor as long as he demands of life a meager living and sees in it struggle, toil, hardship and limitation."

Right now, in the midst of the recession, most people are anxious and worried about money. The media bombards is daily with how bad things are and how much worse they're going to get. But anxiety and worry are detrimental to us. It limits our supply of abundance and prosperity.

We need to alter our mindset from a poverty-consciousness to an abundance-consciousness. And that's easy to do once we realize that God, or the Universe or the economy isn't limiting our supply. We are.

Wealth does not come from the vocation you choose. There is money to be made in any field or profession. Look around you. You'll see poor doctors and rich doctors, lawyers who are struggling to make ends meet and those who are thriving. The difference between those who are successful and those who are not lies in their mindset and thinking.

The Law Of Supply is one of eleven Universal Laws Of Success. Click here to read more about The Law Of Supply or here to read about any of the other eleven Universal Laws.

Read more about The 11 Forgotten Laws Program

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 Steps To Success With The Law Of Attraction.

5 Steps To Success With The Law Of Attraction

1. Pay attention to what you are thinking about. Just as you are where you are today because of the thoughts you had in the past, so too, you are creating your future with the thoughts you are currently having.

2. Your emotions provide valuable clues to your success. Positive, joyful emotions show that you are on the right track. Negative emotions are telling you that you need to make some changes in your life.

3. Fill your day with activities that give you joy and fulfillment, and that help you move in the direction of your goals. Positive vibes that will draw more positive and good things toward you.

4. Let the words you speak move you in the direction of your goals. Words can reveal a surprising amount about your thoughts.

Start listening to what you say more carefully. Do you spend more time talking about what you do want or what you don't want? If you intend to put the power of the law of attraction to work for you, then you need to do the latter.

5. In order for you to reach your goals in the shortest possible time; your thoughts, words and actions need to be in alignment. If you are saying one thing, but thinking/doind another, you are bound to fail.

Start to control your thoughts, your words and your actions and you'll be amazed at how fast you reach your goals.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

11 Universal Laws that I'm sure You Didn't Know About

Do you want to manifest a new and better life? Perhaps you are struggling to make ends meet, or in some other way you are dissatisfied with the life you're leading. If you want to improve our life but don't know quite where to start, The 11 Forgotten Laws can teach you the skills and mindset you need to become the success you know you can be.

You may have heard the buzz surrounding Bob Proctor's new law of attraction mp3 program called The 11 Forgotten Laws. If The Secret was more of a preview, The 11 Forgotten Laws is the real deal. In this comprehensive law of attraction program, you will uncover all the tools and techniques you need to make deep, profound and lasting changes in your life.

The 11 Forgotten Laws is so different from all the other self-help programs out there, because it takes you straight to the heart of where success or failure originate : your thoughts. You're taught how to take control of this wonderful power in order to change your life in ways that you wouldn't believe.

Bob Proctor freely admits that lots of vital information was left out of The Secret movie. The Secret contained many essential truths, but the truth was lost in trying to sensationalize it. The Secret hinted at the full story rather than explained it. In order to get full benefit out of the Law Of Attraction, you need to know all 11 Universal Laws. But these laws are so seldom spoken about or even mentioned that they are referred to as The 11 Forgotten Laws.

The 11 Forgotten Laws program provides you with everything you need to create the life you want and deserve. And because it's a download, you can start working with it immediately. No need to wait 6 weeks for delivery.

I've been working with The 11 Forgotten Laws program for several weeks now. And small miracles have begun to take place. I wanted to manifest an extra $1,000 a week. For the first few weeks it seemed as if nothing was happening. But I carried on with the exercises and techniques, determined to give it my best shot. And just yesterday I got $1,000 in cash from my brother as a gift. He has been working overseas and I haven't seen him in ages. He sent the money as a gift to me. Boy was I thrilled. It may seem like a random coincidence, but I know that it isn't. This stuff does work! (I'm not saying that you'll get exactly the same results that I have gotten. You may do much better - or worse- than I did)

But even better than the money is the sense of happiness, peace, power and control I have over my life. And all my relationships have improved as well. Overall, I'm much more relaxed and more productive.

If you're interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction, I would advise you to try The 11 Forgotten Laws. Since the entire program can be downloaded as MP3 files, you can listen to the program on your iPod (or any other MP3 player), or even listen to them at your computer.

Have you tried and failed with using The Law Of Attraction? That's because it's only one part of the puzzle. Find the other missing pieces at The 11 Forgotten Laws.

The Law Of Sacrifice - A Forgotten Universal Law Of Attraction

When people hear the word sacrifice they immediately think about giving up something. Most of us think of sacrifice as something negative and unpleasant. But I challenge you to look at sacrifice in a new light. 

The Law of Sacrifice states that you give up something of a lesser value in order to obtain something of a higher value. So, essentially The Law Of Sacrifice is about what you are gaining, not about what you are losing. And if you apply The Law Of Sacrifice to your life, your life will improve and get better.

You probably want to move forward to a better and more rewarding life, right? But let me ask you a question. Are you prepared to forgo simple pleasures in order to get there?

Take T.V. as an example. How much T.V. do you watch?  And are you prepared to sacrifice your T.V. watching time for a better life? It's really surprising to see how few people are unwilling to make even this small sacrifice.It really boils down to one simple question. Are you prepared to pay the price for success?

Each moment of the day you are making a choice of how you spend your time. If you are choosing to spend your time on one activity, you cannot do another in that same time. So you need to ask yourself "Am I trading my time, and thus my life, for something of value or am I just frittering away my time and my life?" I have found that if I ask myself throughout the day "Is this the best use of my time right now?" it helps me stay on track moving toward my goals. I will often decide not to watch T.V or spend time chatting on the phone or aimlessly surfing the web and use that time to exercise or to work on building my business. And these small sacrifices, made consistently, build upon each other to create a happy and successful life.

No one, in the history of mankind, who has ever achieved anything of great significance has done so without making some sacrifices along the way. Open any history book and you will find examples of people who sacrificed their time, money and lives for the achievements they made.  

Are you prepared to sacrifice present pleasures for future gains? What small, insignificant pleasure are you going to cut out of your life in order to make it better?

You may be asking yourself why you haven't heard of the Law Of  Sacrifice before. That's probably because The Law Of Sacrifice is one of 11 Forgotten Laws (The Famous Law Of Attraction is another) These laws are referred to as the 11 Forgotten Laws because so very few people know about them. 

Most people, and frankly most people out there teaching The Law Of Attraction to others, are ignorant of these 11 Universal Laws. And because of this so many people are failing to get the results they truly desire. Let Master Teacher, Bob Proctor, introduce you to the 11 Forgotten Laws.

Is the law of attraction working for you, bringing you the abundance, prosperity and happiness that you hoped for? If The Law of Attraction isn't producing the results you want, here's a simple secret that will transform you into a master at manifesting the life you want.

The first secret is to Allow The Law of Attraction to Work it's magic.

Deep rooted hidden beliefs can be blocking you from manifesting the prosperity and abundance that you desire. You need to overcome these beliefs before prosperity can become a reality for you. The primary belief that blocks the flow of money into your life is the belief of lack and limitation.

Believing that you never have enough money or that there isn't enough money to go around is the main reason that money isn't coming into your life. I know that this sounds a little bit crazy, but you have to believe that you already have all the money you could need and to give thanks for it.

You may be wondering how you could possibly give thanks for something that you don't have and may have never had. In order for The Law Of Attraction to work you need to believe that you already have the money you need and to feel the happy and grateful feelings you would have. Feeling prosperous and grateful and joyous draws more money to you, while feeling poor and discontent draws more poverty to you.

If you find it hard to be grateful for what you don't have as yet, start practicing the feeling of gratitude for all the blessings you already have and build on that until you come to a point where you can give thanks for those things that you want.

Giving thanks in advance implies  trust in the abundance of the Universe and trusting allows prosperity to flow to you.

A simple and fun exercise that can retrain you mind to believe in the limitless abundance of the Universe is to imagine that you have a magic purse or wallet that is filled with stacks of crisp $100 bills. All this money is yours to spend as you wish on anything your heart desires. But the best part is that each time you spend a $100 bill another one appears in it's place instantly. Just think of all the things you could buy for yourself and your loved ones and all the good you could do. This simple exercise will help you to vibrate prosperity and since you're feeling abundance, more abundance will flow into your life.

Try this simple exercise for a few weeks and you will be amazed at how prosperity and abundance will effortlessly begin to flow into your life.

Not all teachings on The Law Of Attraction are created equal. See the best, most comprehensive teachings on the 11 Universal Laws here

You've Asked But Are You Ready To Receive?

Do you often wish that your life could be better? Have you tried to use the power of The Law of Attraction to create a better life, but it doesn't seem to work? The problem could be that you've asked, but you're not ready to receive.

So just how do you get ready to receive? The first step is to know exactly what you want. How can the Universe give you what you want when even you don't know what that is. You can't just have a vague notion that you want your life to be better. How exactly do you want your life to be better?

Do you want a better relationship,more money, better health, an exotic vacation? Take some time to think about exactly what it is you want. Let's say that you want more money. How much money exactly? How much would you like to earn each month?

You can have exactly what you want provided that you can describe it and describe how you would feel when you receive it.

One technique that I have found to be highly effective is to create a dream list. I have a special notebook just for this purpose. In it I have written down everything I want (no matter how big or small) and I keep adding new items as they occur to me.

And don't forget to date the list as well. Now from that list choose the top 5 things or goals you want to achieve this year.

The next step is to use The Law Of Attraction to bring those things into your life. Stay focused on your top 5 goals by reading them out loud at least twice a day and by visualizing yourself as having achieved those goals. Get into the feelings associated with reaching these goals.

As you do this, you'll find yourself inspired to take certain actions. These actions are little messages from the Universe, nudging you in the direction of your goals. So act on those inner promptings. You'll be amazed at how following these inner promptings will open the door to the fulfillment of your dreams.

When you ask in the proper manner and you're willing to receive, the Universe will deliver. You dream may not arrive in the way that you imagined or according to the timetable you set, but it will arrive. The Law of Attraction always works, 100% of the time if you know how to tap into it's awesome power. Discover the secret to harnessing the FULL POWER of The Law Of Attraction.

4 Simple Steps To A Stress-Free Life With The Law Of Attraction

Did you know that you can use the Law of Attraction to decrease stress and be happier and more relaxed? When you learn to trust that whatever happens in life is for your ultimate benefit (no matter how it looks on the surface) you will relax and not panic every time something seems to go wrong.

Let me explain. Imagine what it would be like if you tried to push a river in the opposite direction of which it was intended to flow. You would expend a whole lot of energy and time in futility. The same is true with the river of life. When you learn to flow with the current rather than against it, life becomes easier. Most of the stress and tension we feel is self-imposed. We want things to go our way and so we try to manipulate people and circumstances to meet our own needs.

But just for today decide that you'll let life flow and trust that everything will happen easily, and for your greatest good. Repeat this simple truth every time you are tempted to force events to unfold in an unnatural way "Everything that happens is for my greatest good" Write this statement down, and repeat it several times throughout the day. You'll feel better and more relaxed.

The second thing you need to do is look for the silver lining in every dark cloud.Realize that there is good in every situation, no matter how dark and difficult it may seem. And there is good in every one, even if it doesn't seem apparent yo you right now. There is good in all people and circumstances , all you need to do is acknowledge it and focus on it.

The third step is to let go and have some fun, even if It's Only for a few minutes. When we are busy and stressed we loose our ability to have fun and that just increases our stress levels. What do you love to do? Do you love to read, to relax in a bubble bath or to spend time taking to an old friend? Make a list of at least 10 favorite activities. Then choose one each day and spend a few minutes doing something that gives you pleasure.

Look for ways to incorporate the things you love into your daily life. I love listening to podcasts on topics of interest to me, so whenever I load up my ipod and listen to podcasts whenever I am driving.

The fourth step to a happier and less stressed life is to start a gratitude list.Each night before you go to bed write down 5 things that you are grateful for. This could be your health, your family, your warm bed, your job or even just the roses blossoming outside your bedroom window. When you express gratitude for all the blessings in your life, you will attract even more good things to be grateful for.

Uncover the secret to thriving amidst trying circumstances with the Law Of Non-Resistance - one of the 11 Forgotten Universal Laws Of Attraction

10 Secrets Left Out Of "The Secret"

The Law of Attraction is ancient law that was known only to a select few. Then the hit movie "The Secret" came out to revealed it to the world. The word spread and 'The Law of Attraction' and 'The Secret' became household words.

But then time passed and more and more people were complaining that The Law Of Attraction didn't work. Many went so far as to say "The Secret" was simply a scam designed to separate gullible people from their hard-earned cash.

But what many people didn't realize is that "The Secret" left out some vital information. 10 other Universal Laws, to be exact. The Law Of Attraction is not the be all and end all. It is only one of 11 Universal Laws, called the 11 Forgotten Laws. Bob Proctor (one of the teachers in The Secret Movie) and Mary Morrissey have created a comprehensive integrated online learning course called  "The 11 Forgotten Laws" to teach these 11 Universal Laws to those who want to create the lives of their dreams.

These 11 Forgotten Laws, when used together will turn  the Law of Attraction into a completely unstoppable force, one that will turn your thoughts into reality faster than you could imagine.

So what are these 11 Forgotten Laws -

Once you fold these 11 Forgotten Laws into the fabric of your life, anything and everything that you desire will be yours. These 11 Forgotten Laws are the missing pieces of the Law of Attraction puzzle. Failure isn't an option with this program

The 11 Forgotten Laws is exactly what you need in order to turn your life around. And what I love about this program is that you get over 95 audio tracks that can be downloaded to your Ipod or mp3 player and that you can take with you on the run. That's perfect for busy people like you and me who don't have hours each day to dedicate to improving ourselves, but who also want to create happy, abundant, fulfilling and meaningful lives. As the rest of the country collapses, you could be the one that others look at in envy and total amazement because of the abundance, prosperity, good health, and love that you enjoy.

But let me warn you. You cannot get to the treasure without a map. You need to know where you are going and how to get there. Let a true master, Bob Proctor, guide you there.

Click here to learn more about the 11 Forgotten Universal Laws
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