The Law Of Attraction has 2 important phases or parts. The first is DESIRE and the second is EXPECTATION.
When you really want something you become invisibly connected with the good that you desire. If you change your mind or it becomes less important to you, this invisible connection is severed and you don't end up getting what you want.
If, on the other hand, you continue to hold on to your desire then it will eventually come to you.
The underlying premise of The Law Of Attraction is that you cannot desire something unless it already exists (on another vibrational plane) It's your desire that changes into a physical form.
Now I know that this may be a little hard to grasp at first, but just bear with me as I explain. Things will get clearer, I promise.
The first part of successfully manifesting your heart's desire is DESIRE (A wanting or longing for something). The second part is EXPECTATION.
Raymond Holiwell in his book Working With The Law (This is the book on which the highly acclaimed best-selling 11 Forgotten Laws Program is based) says "It's no use to desire a thing unless you expect to get it, either in part or in full. Desire without expectation is idle wishing or dreaming."
Desire connects you to the object of your desire, and expectation draws it to you and makes it a reality.
Both desire and expectation need to be working together in harmony for your goals to materialize.
I'm sure that you know of people who desire good things, but never really expect to get them. And because they don't expect it, they never make the effort to realize those dreams. These people are idle wishers and dreamers.
Then there are those who are always expecting things that they don't want. They expect things to do wrong and they usually do.
Raymond Holiwell goes on to say "Never expect something you do not want, you attract the undesirable, and when you desire a thing that is not expected, you simply dissipate valuable mental force. On the other hand, when you constantly expect that which you persistently desire, your ability to attract becomes irresistible. Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life."
Have you been utilizing both desire and expectation to maniest your goals and dreams? Or has one element been missing? Start implementing both these phases of The Law Of Attraction and you will be amazed at the transformation that will take place in your life.
Click the links to learn more about The Book "Working With The Law" & "The 11 Forgotten Laws"
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