Friday, May 22, 2009

Law Of Compensation

The Law Of Compensation is the sixth law in the 11 Forgotten Laws Program. It is a very powerful law that in essence teaches us that what we sow we will reap. And that if we want to improve our station in life, we must first improve ourselves.

Have you ever met people who are convinced that the world owes them a living and who are determined to collect what is 'owed' to them in the easiest way possible. These are the people who feel that the government (or their parents or spouse or someone else) should provide them with everything the need to lead a comfortable life.

Their sentences are peppered with phrases such as "The Government should.....", "Life is so unfair.....", "How come he got the promotion and I didn't? He's just lucky I guess."

Are you one of these people? The harsh truth is that the world owes you nothing. What you have in your life right now is the result of your past actions. The harvest you are reaping now is the result of your past actions.

Are you satisfied with the harvest that you are reaping? Or would you like to have reaped a more plentiful and abundant harvest?

Through the correct use of The Law Of Compensation you can finally reap the abundant harvest that you have yearned for, for such a long time.

In order to attract success and prosperity, you need to eliminate the habits that are holding you back.

Raymond Holiwell, in his excellent book "Working With The Law" says "If you want prosperity and success but do not strive to change in any way, how do you expect things to be different?"

Sadly, millions of people live mediocre, unsatisfying lives and then die never having known anything different from what was handed down to them. They simply repeated the failure or poverty patterns that were instilled in them as children.

So many people violate The Law Of Compensation without even realizing it. Have you heard someone say "When they pay me more then I'll do more work"? But The Law Of Compensation doesn't work that way.

The words of Raymond Holiwell explain this concept perfectly "When you perform your tasks to the very best of your ability, or when you are thorough in your work and do it well, you infallibly bring out the best there is in you.....You become better......And the Law is that he who becomes better will attract the better and be given greater things to do. The principle involved is that when you become too large for your present place you will begin to draw to yourself something larger; you cannot attract the better until you yourself become larger."

If you think that others are to blame for your failure, then you are mistaken. The fault doesn't lie with others but in your own faulty thinking patterns. You need to alter your thinking patterns to be in harmony with the laws that govern the Universe.It is only then that you will gain lasting success.

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